Parent Education and Personal Development Programme - Session 2
The Clarkson Foundation Inc. held its second parent education and personal development programme on Saturday, 3rd February, 2024 for 23 parents.
They were treated to informative sessions on self-esteem and personal upliftment by Ms. Celia Collymore of Bajan Fusion as well as on sexually transmitted diseases and their prevention by Dr. Danielle Reid-Melillo. We were pleased to have 3 men present on this occasion. 12 children came and were taken care of by Misses Shanice Jordan, J.P., my liaison officer, Jayde Alleyne and Stacey Medford as well as by my constituency assistant, Mr. Jonathan Smith.
Thanks as usual to them as well as to Misses Diana Forde and Susan Packer for assisting with serving the refreshments during break time.
#ContinuingToServe ParentEducation #SelfEsteem #STD #STI